Luigi Pellarini Shelter

The shelter is located in the  Jof Fuart range  in località  Carnizza di Camporosso  at  1499 m  in altitude in the Municipality of Malborghetto-Valbruna (UD). It was built in  1925  and was immediately successful, taken by surprise by rock climbers who had made it their favourite operations base.  This shelter was extended in 1930 with the addition of a projecting part and lifting of the roof. In 1931 it was opened to offer hotel accommodation, as an experiment, and was favourably welcomed by the mountain climbers whose continuous presence made it necessary for a keeper to be taken on. In 1932, on the top floor, a dormitory was arranged as well as a room for the keeper. In 1935 a further side section was built, but demand still exceeded the capacities of the structure.  In 1959 the new version of the shelter, designed by the President of the Alpine Club, Carlo Chersi, was built. The earthquake in 1976 caused damage to it, which in the end forced a temporary closure of the Shelter. In 1988 a project of its current version was submitted, and it was built along the lines of today's regulations and tastes. It reopened in the second half of the nineties.  It has a capacity of fifty bunks as well as the keeper's room. The external faces are according to local customs, combining wood with whitewashed walls that can be seen from a distance. The whole shelter is protected against atmospheric discharges.

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