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Multimedia CD-ROM


The History, Flora, Cartography and Architecture
of the Natisone Valleys

History_ A reflection on the concept of the border as both a political constraint and a mental line of defence, with images and graphics to support the text. An interactive geographical map links to videos of First World War emplacements and trenches.

Flora_ A two-part section, one a spoken commentary with a series of images, the other containing text and videos describing the region’s plants and natural features.

Architecture_ A section that tackles the theme of the settlement structure of the villages with numerous examples of local architectural features, supported by videos and spoken commentary.

Cartography_ The various stretches of the path running along the ridge of Monte Colovrat to Castelmonte can be selected from an on-line map.

The border is not merely a political constraint, it is also a mental line...

that interrupts environmental continuity,,
that creates conflict between peoples...

this line was witness to the First World War
one of the bloodiest ever known.

Produced by the Mountain Community of the Natisone Valley
with structural funds from Community Initiative Interreg II

Created by Pevere Multimedia


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