The World War

A dramatic period. Among the most difficult in the Valcanale history A dramatic period. Among the most difficult in the Valcanale history. The front line saw the two fronts facing each other mainly on the ridge of the mountains south of the valley: Mount Nero , Strechizza , Jof di Miezegnot , Piper , Due Pizzi . and again the pinnacles of the Montasio range and the Canin massif . At Pontebba the firing line split the town in half, and in the end it was practically razed to the ground. The civil population evacuated the valley. The territory became no-man's land . Even in this part of the war, right from the early shooting, like many other theatres of war of those days, turned into a wearing conflict of position . On the peaks, the selle, the forks and ledges. At that altitude, the soldiers died in sudden attacks or desperate defences. Under bombardments or the bullets of marksmen. Many fell, perhaps the majority, because of avalanches, landslides, bolts of lightning on the peaks.

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