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Poviz circuit

Itinerary, Sella Nevea - Poviz mule track - Conca del Robon - Sella Robon - Pian delle Lope - Sella Nevea: Excursion time 4.30 hoursDegree of difficulty ExcursionResting points Modonutti-Savoia spelaeological bivouac - 1900 m.The nature trail starts from Sella Nevea and goes up a series of bends along the Poviz slope : the first section is woody (up to a height of 1600 m.) whereas the following section proceeds through a rough and rocky, with scarce shrubby and grassy vegetation, across a comfortable mule track from the war (trail C.A.I. 636) made in 1915 to connect the military units dislocated in altitude with the bottom of the valley. Proceeding along the mule track you cross the Poviz highlands and rapidly go upwards, following a few wide bends, to reach Sella Robon , located on the Italian-Slovenian border. From here you can admire the mountains of the Montasio range , as well as the Mangart , Jalovec and Tricorno and ample underlying Slovenian valleys. From Sella Robon, where the Modonutti-Savoia spelaeological bivouac is located (about 20 minutes - 1900 m.), you start to descent thanks to the ancient Pian delle Lope trail (trail C.A.I 637) that spreads out below the West slope of Mount Robon, initially between rocky cliffs and mountain pines, in a fascinating amphitheatre. From here, going round the Poviz valley, through a section covered by thick vegetation, you reach the Cave del Predil - Sella Nevea main road, which, along a short asphalt section, allows you to return to the starting point.MOUNT ROBON - 1980 m. (excursion variant)From Sella Robon (1865 m.) go northwards along the trail that intersects with the numerous ravines and karst erosions that mark the whole peak of the mountain; the spelaeological explorations in this area have reached a depth of 500 metres . Along the uphill route the military constructions from the First World Ward can still be seen buried in the ravines eroded by atmospheric agents. On the small tip of Mount Robon there was an observatory called " "The Italian Pulpit ", which controlled the Austrian movements. After twenty minutes you reach the peak, which offers a satisfying view over Val Rio del Lago and the Jof di Montasio and Jof Fuart mountain ranges.

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