
Valbruna, Austrian-Hungarian fortifications Austrian-Hungarian fortifications of Mounts Strechizza and Jof di Miezegnot  (First World War).  In the Valbruna sector the divisions of two armies faced each other to take possession of the summits of the Julian Alps that controlled Val Saisera and the area of Lago del Predil. At the end of 1915 the Italian posts ran along the Jof di Miezegnot grande, Mount Strechizza, Mount Carnizza, Jof di Montasio, Mount Cregnedul, val Rio del Lago and Mount Robon line. The Austrian-Hungarian  posts along the Jof di Miezegnot piccolo, val Saisera, Monti Nabois grande and piccolo, Jof Fuart,Cime Castrein, val Rio del Lago and Cima Mogenza piccola line.

Valbruna, Defensive works   (second half of the 1930s). Already at the centre of an important Austrian defensive system during the First World War, the Valbruna plain was also a strategic centre of some importance for the Italian headquarters during the thirties. The works on Valbruna plain consisted of barrages called  "Gruppo Quota 845"  and  "Gruppo Nebria".  Then there was a long anti-tank ditch, which is now buried, that used to cut across the eastern section of the valley from north to south, from the slopes of Mount Obuas up to the road that leads to the old cableway of Mount Lussari. Within the hill that rises in the centre of the plain (altitude 845) an imposing complex of posts and underground galleries at different levels was implemented, with an observatory having a metal cupola on top. Around it there were other constructions at the bottom of the surrounding mounts. Completion of the defensive scheme was guaranteed by the posts pertaining to the second Group, located on the slope underneath Forcella Nebria and facing towards the opening of the valley towards Camporosso.

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