
Ugovizza, Defensive works of Val Uqua, Monti Osternig and Atomizza  (second half of the 1930s).  The works of Vallo Littorio that took place on the Mounts north of Ugovizza belonged to three distinct defensive groups.  Along the route at the bottom of the valley there was the Val Uqua barrage in the intermediate section and little before the locanda 'Al Camoscio', and the Sella di Lom barrage, of which only a bold post remains on the steep ridge overlooking the Sella. A greater number of works, included in the Mount Ostrenig-Mount Acomizza barrage, were dislocated at an altitude along the borderline, from the south slope of the Osternig to Cima Muli. Of interest are the two fortified shelters, which were dug out of the high rocks of the Osternig, located at the end of an old military mule track, the small barracks and the works located on the grassy ridge of the Gozman, above the beautiful church of the Madonna della Neve and near Malga Acomizza. They can be reached from the bottom of the valley (Nordico-Deffar shelter) along easy signalled trails and forest roads.

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