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At the very heart of the Triglav Nature Park lies Bohinj, where each season brings its own sounds and rhythms; the insistent murmuring of the waters in Spring, the Summer stillness invaded by people and nature itself, the magical interplay of sun and colour in Autumn, and the white peace of Winter. This is a place of myth and legends, such as the tale of Auricorn. From the stately mountains that enclose and shelter it, Lake Bohinj takes on the appearance of a mirror, reflecting the majesty and beauty of a breathtaking panorama. Slovenian metallurgy took its first steps here. The tradition continues today, particularly in the area around Preseren’s manor Ajdovski gradec, home of the Giants.

The First World War brought the winds of conflict to the Bohinj basin, with a front along river Isonzo and in its valley. An important railway tunnel was built in 1906, linking Gorenjska and Primorska and allowing the Julian Alps to be reached from the sea. To scale the mountain peaks you need to rise early in the morning and leave Bohinj before daybreak, knowing that the spellbinding views will repay the effort. Vogel mountain, the Savica falls, the Museo della Malga, the Devil’s Bridge, Studor, the lakes of Triglav, and the Sava river will fill the days of your holiday until the silence wishes you goodnight.

Veduta del lago con chiesa
Costumi tipici
Interno di una tipica casa in legno
Capre al pascolo
Treno con locomotiva a carbone
Usi e costumi tipici
Panorama dei monti
Uomini pronti per immersione
Panorama visto da sopra i monti
Costumi tipici

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