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You are in: Homepage > Parks & Nature > Italy > Tarvisiano > Fauna > Stock Animals

Stock Animals

Cow: (Family bovidi; genus Bos)

Habitat: in Italy cattle breeding is widespread throughout the country, but particularly in the regions of Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia-Giulia.

Identification: there are mainly three breeds for meat and milk in the Tarvisio area Bruna alpina (whose milk is used for the production of Montasio cheese), Pezzata rossa friulana and Simmenthal.

Food: cattle feed on plants.


Horse: (Equus caballus)

Habitat: it is widespread practically everywhere and there are tens of breeds deriving from the different work, climate, food, solid, etc.

Identification: there are evident differences in size and colour, depending on the breed. In the area in question the Haflinger, of Austrian origin is found (in Italy it is also called Avelignese, as a homage to the Avelengo, where it has been brought up). It is a pony suitable for the mountain, used as a pack, team and riding horse. Its maximum height is about 1.42 m

Reproduction: it is ready for mating after the age of two and gestation lasts 11 - 12 months; it gives birth to only one foul.

Food: it is a non-ruminant herbivore and has a relatively small stomach, which is filled after hours and hours of grazing, eating a small amount for long periods.

Horse farm

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