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Aspects of Fauna

Due stambecchi sul cicglio di una roccia

An environment of pastures, dense forests and pine woods is ideal for many species of animal. Red and roe deer can be found in clearings and transient pastures in spruce and larch woodland.  Both species, particularly the roe, need a diversified environment for diet and shelter.

The thick woodland provides ideal concealment for red deer, even in Winter in sheltered snow-free areas beneath the branches of fir trees. The marmot is one of the species of the high meadowland, where it can often be recognised by its whistle when danger threatens. There are also carnivores: some, such as bears and lynx, pass through the area, while others are resident, such as foxes, weasels and stoats.

There are many bird species, including black grouse and white partridge, which find an ideal environment in the berry-rich abandoned pastures. Finally, let’s not forget the salmon trout and brown trout of Pramollo Lake.

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